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Gathio is configured through a config file located at config/config.toml. The config options are as follows:

[general] section

Option Default Value Description
domain "localhost:3000" Your instance domain. If there is a port it should be '', but otherwise just ''.
port "3000" The port on which Gathio will serve the site.
email "" Your contact email, from which the emails Gathio sends are addressed.
site_name "Gathio" Your instance's name, shown in various places on the frontend.
is_federated true If set to true, ActivityPub federation features will be enabled.
delete_after_days 7 Events will be deleted this many days after they have ended. Set to 0 to disable automatic deletion (old events will never be deleted).
email_logo_url "" If left blank, this defaults to Set a full URL here to change it to your own logo (or just change the file itself).
show_kofi false Show a Ko-Fi box to donate money to Raphael (Gathio's creator) on the front page.
show_public_event_list false Show a list of events and groups on the front page which have been marked as 'Display this event/group on the public event/group list'. This list becomes the home page, and the about page with information on Gathio remains available at /about.
mail_service "nodemailer" Which mail service to use to send emails to hosts and attendees. Options are 'nodemailer' or 'sendgrid'.
creator_email_addresses [] An array of email addresses which are permitted to create events. If this is empty, anyone can create events. For example: ["", ""]

[database] section

Option Default Value Description
mongodb_url "mongodb://localhost:27017/gathio" Set up for a locally running MongoDB connection. Change this to 'mongodb://mongo:27017/gathio' for a Dockerised connection.

[nodemailer] section

Option Default Value Description
smtp_server "" The Nodemailer SMTP server.
smtp_port "" The Nodemailer SMTP port.
smtp_username "" The Nodemailer SMTP username.
smtp_password "" The Nodemailer SMTP password.

[sendgrid] section

Option Default Value Description
api_key "" The Sendgrid API key.

[[static_pages]] sections

Option Description
static_pages Links to static pages, which will be displayed in the footer. See Customization for more.