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A Gathio installation can be customized, mostly through the config.toml file (see Configuration for more details). Some information on specific customization techniques is set out here.

Static pages

Static pages are Markdown pages which are linked in the footer of your instance's frontend pages.

Create static pages as Markdown files in the static/ directory. For instance, a privacy policy page might look like this:

# static/

This is an example privacy policy. It **supports Markdown!**

In config.toml, for each static page you create, add a configuration block that looks like this:

title = "Privacy Policy"
path = "/privacy"
filename = ""

The filename is relative to the static/ directory.

Paths can be internal (beginning with a slash) or absolute (beginning with https://). For internal paths, the path value will correspond to the page's frontend path, so be aware that setting it to the same path as an existing page (for instance /new or /events) will result in undefined behaviour and should be avoided.

The title will appear at the top of the page and in the footer menu.

Instance description

The instance description is a block of text which appears at the top of the public event list page (which is the home page on instances where show_public_event_list is set to true) and the 'About' page (which is the home page on instances where show_public_event_list is set to false).

The instance description is rendered from the Markdown file static/; if this file is missing, it will default to a generic line of text.

Within the instance description, you can use most Markdown formatting, as on static pages, and also you can supply the template string {{ siteName }}, which will be converted to the value of site_name as specified in config.toml.

The default instance description is:

# static/

**{{ siteName }}** is running on Gathio — a simple, federated, privacy-first event hosting platform.