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Gathio can be set up to run on your own server in two ways - as a self-hosted service, or via Docker.

Self-hosting on Linux or macOS



Let's suppose we're installing on a fresh Ubuntu system.

First, let's get the code:

$ cd /srv/
$ sudo git clone

We'll need to install pnpm for this:

$ curl -fsSL | sh -

pnpm installation instructions for other systems are available.

Now, we'll install the dependencies:

$ cd gathio
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build

Let's copy the config file in place:

$ cp config/config.example.toml config/config.toml

We can edit this file if needed, as it contains settings which will need to be adjusted to your local setup to successfully format emails.

$ $EDITOR config/config.toml

Either way, we'll need to have MongoDB running. Follow the MongoDB Community Edition Ubuntu instructions, which are probably what you want.

Next, let's create a dedicated user:

$ sudo adduser --home /srv/gathio --disabled-login gathio
$ sudo chown -R gathio:gathio /srv/gathio

Next, we'll copy the systemd service and reload systemd

$ sudo cp gathio.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Finally, we can start gathio:

$ sudo systemctl start gathio

It should now be listening on port 3000:

$ sudo netstat -tunap | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      952/sshd
tcp6       0      0 :::3000                 :::*                    LISTEN      5655/node

(this doesn't mean it's only listening on IPv6, because sockets under Linux are dual-stack by default...)

It is now available on port 3000, and we can continue by setting up a reverse proxy, which allows us to make it available on another port, or from another server; and to enable TLS on the connection (see for example Linode's guide on the subject)


The easiest way to run Gathio using Docker is by using the provided docker-compose configuration. We provide a Docker image at GitHub Container Repository.

Create a directory on your system where you'll keep the Gathio configuration file and another where Gathio can store user-uploaded event images. Copy the example config file into the config directory:

mkdir -p ~/docker/gathio-docker/{config,images}
cp config/config.example.toml ~/docker/gathio-docker/config/config.toml

Under the volumes section of the docker-compose.yml configuration, adjust the configuration volume to match the folder you created:

    - '/home/username/docker/gathio-docker/config:/app/config'
    - '/home/username/docker/gathio-docker/images:/app/public/events'

Adjust any settings in the config file, especially the MongoDB URL, which should read as follows for the standard Docker Compose config, and the email service if you want to enable it:

mongodb_url = "mongodb://mongo:27017/gathio"
mail_service = "nodemailer"

You can copy the docker-compose.yml file into that same gathio-docker directory you created - you don't need any of the source code. Once you're done, your directory should look something like this:

├── config
│  └── config.toml
├── docker-compose.yml
└── images

Finally, from wherever you've put your docker-compose.yml file, start the Docker stack:

cd gathio-docker
docker-compose up -d

Gathio should now be running on http://localhost:3000, storing data in a Docker volume, and storing images on your filesystem.